
Standort Promotion in Obwalden


Obwalden con­stitutes the geo­graphic center of Switzerland. Thus, you benefit from an ideal starting point for the en­tire Swiss market. Thanks to its advantageous location, in the canton of Obwalden your company also has access to central Switzerland’s highly quali­fied labor market. Obwalden can draw on ex­ten­sive infra­structure in the area of edu­cation. The major uni­versities and technical colleges can be reached in a short time.


The Startup Pilatus association counts members from business, authorities, educational institutions and numerous private individuals as individual members.



ihz—Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz

Die Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz IHZ ist als privater Verein eine der insgesamt 18 Industrie- und Handelskammern in der Schweiz und wurde 1889 von führenden Zentralschweizer Unternehmern gegründet. Die IHZ ist zuständig für die Kantone Luzern, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden und Nidwalden (Zug gehört der Handelskammer Zürich an).

Ziel der IHZ ist, die Interessen der Unternehmer gegenüber den kantonalen und eidgenössischen Behörden zu vertreten und den Mitgliedern diverse Dienstleistungen, vor allem im Bereich des Exports und der Information, anzubieten.

 ITZ Innovation Transfer ZentralSchweiz


ITZ InnovationTransfer Zentralschweiz

ITZ  ist der Service Provider für Innovatoren (Branchen, öffentliche Organisationen, Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen) in der Zentralschweiz. Wenn es um Innovationen geht, ist ITZ die “no wrong door”-Anlaufstelle.

ITZ will den Innovationsstandort Zentralschweiz kontinuierlich und nachhaltig weiterentwickeln. Dafür ist ITZ Motivator, Beschleuniger, Unterstützer und Mutmacher im Prozess von der Idee zur Innovation.

Kompetent, unbürokratisch, flexibel, schnell – das Netzwerk von ITZ zwischen Forschung, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung ist einzigartig und die Unterstützung pragmatisch und zielführend.



ITZ InnovationTransfer Zentralschweiz


Luzerne Business

Lucerne Business is organized according to the mutually-supportive public-private partnership model. The Canton of Lucerne, all of Lucerne’s municipalities as well as network partners from business and industry are financially and ideologically committed to a growing economic and residential Lucerne.



Schwyz Next

Schwyz Next bringt Unternehmen und Institutionen im Kanton Schwyz weiter, die sich für Zukunftstrends interessieren, Innovationen realisieren und Erfahrungen teilen wollen. Die Unternehmensplattform ist auch ein Forum, wo Führungskräfte sich austauschen und Wissen vertiefen.





Technology Forum Zug

The association “Technology Forum Zug” (abbreviated as tfz) aims at providing an active exchange platform for technologically leading, innovative companies and at supporting the industrial sector by internal and external cross-linking of companies. The tfz concentrates existent know-how in «clusters» to support companies through an innovative and attractive environment.

The tfz was founded on 17th September 2003 by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial-minded individuals representing the technology sector of the canton of Zug in 2003.



Hochschule Luzern

Comprising of the Lucerne Schools of Engineering and Architecture, Business, Information Technology, Social Work, Art and Design and Music, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is the largest educational and research institution in Central Switzerland. It is led by its President, Markus Hodel.



Innovationspark Zentralschweiz

The Innovation Park Central Switzerland is committed to Open Innovation philosophy. Business, science and the public sector work closely together on concrete challenges and benefit from interdisciplinary competencies within the topic of “Building Excellence”. We offer our members a competent network, an inspiring setting and thematic excellence to promote innovation.

Wirtschaftsförderung Nidwalden

Der Kanton Nidwalden bietet viele Möglichkeiten, vor allem eine optimale Work-Life-Balance. Zahlreiche Freizeitmöglichkeiten, reichhaltige Kulturveranstaltungen, reges Brauchtum sowie unzählige Annehmlichkeiten im täglichen Leben sind der Garant für eine hohe Lebensqualität.

Ein mildes und familienfreundliches Steuerklima, ein hoher Ausbildungsgrad und die zentrale Lage im Herzen der Schweiz unterstreichen die hohe Nidwaldner Lebensqualität.

Kanton Uri

The business location Uri offers a secure future. Here – in the home of national hero William Tell – prudent investors and innovative entrepreneurs alike find loyal, highly motivated employees and a business-friendly government. Uri has room for business ideas. For instance, the Werkmatt Uri grounds next to the Altdorf train station offers 120,000 m² of space available for purchase.

In terms of tax competition, Uri beats many other cantons: For several years, a flat-rate tax and the lowest dividend taxation in Switzerland have made Uri an attractive tax environment for individuals and corporate bodies. For more than five years, the Gotthard canton has also been moving towards first place in Switzerland in terms of disposable household income and the financial attractiveness of its residential offers.

Are you curious about Uri, which has been right beside the shortest route through the Alps since even before the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel? We look forward to getting in touch with you.

La Cc-Ti, associazione mantello dell’economia ticinese

La Camera di commercio, dell’industria, dell’artigianato e dei servizi del Cantone Ticino (Cc-Ti), fondata nel 1917, opera in Ticino da oltre 100 anni. Quale associazione mantello dell’economia ticinese, lavoriamo per il tessuto imprenditoriale ed economico ticinese, che rappresentiamo nella sua più variegata composizione. Favoriamo l’attività delle aziende e delle associazioni settoriali che rappresentiamo attraverso iniziative concrete in vari ambiti. Forniamo informazioni, formazioni e servizi mirati ai nostri associati, favorendone al contempo la loro messa in rete.


CSEM is a private, non-profit Swiss research and technology organization focused on generating value for a sustainable world.

Managing and fostering innovation to convert groundbreaking basic research into advanced processes, leading to innovative products and helping industry and society prepare for the future.


Agroscope good food, healthy environment 

Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture  (FOAG). The complex agricultural systems offer plenty opportunities for robotics and data driven technologies to create more efficient and sustainable food production systems.

Agroscope good food, healthy environment